New year… a better version of you?

People smiling for the beginning of the new year

Soon we will be welcoming a new year.  Often seen as a chance to make right the wrongs of the previous year, for some it is customary to make resolutions. 

The tradition of New Year’s resolutions dates all the way back to 153 B.C. January is named after Janus, a mythical god of early Rome. A god of beginnings and endings, he had two heads: always looking backwards and forwards.  This allowed him to look back on the past and forward toward the future.

Whilst we are changing and shifting all the time – constantly in flux as we learn, make mistakes, and carry on with the business of growth and setbacks and negotiating the world around us, a new year can be a useful point to reflect and explore ways to improve. And it is the small changes that often make the biggest difference to our wellbeing and our environment. 

Practise Self care

My clients often share that their New Year’s resolutions focus on exercising more, weight loss and eating more healthily.  We can see how ‘being more healthy’ is something that many of us constantly strive for.  And I would like to encourage my clients to revisit and challenge their definition of what being healthy is to ensure that they include practising self care as part of their daily routine.

Self Care is the actions that individuals take for themselves, on behalf of and with others in order to develop, protect, maintain and improve their health, wellbeing or wellness

  • Don’t be afraid to put yourself first more often.
  • Listen to your body and respect what it needs. 
  • Cancel or rearrange plans.
  • Do not justify or explain having to look after yourself.
  • Be kind in your thoughts about yourself. 
  • Work to quieten the inner critic.

Be Grateful

A life without gratitude is often an unhappy, unfilled life.  When you feel thankful, grateful, and content in your own life and in your own experiences then you will find that want less. Gratitude can be shown in so many different ways, for example regularly sharing a smile, always saying thank you, giving out compliments, making sure you make eye contact when interacting with people and even performing a few random acts of kindness. And a lovely way to show your gratitude is be an active listener, show you gratitude to others by really listening to what they have to say.

Respect our world

Our planet is desperate for respect.  Try to do a little more of all of these things to make your personal contribution to this beautiful planet. 

  • Recycle.
  • Give your old clothes to charity shops.
  • Stop using so much plastic.
  • Reduce your meat intake.
  • Reduce your dairy intake.
  • Walk more.
  • Drive less.
  • Turn off your lights.
  • Don’t waste water.

Do your best to behave in a way that is thoughtful of a world bigger than yourself. 

Try an energy assessment

For something a little more personal and tailored to your specific needs, why not start the year with an Energy Treatment and consultation with Master Oh? During the consultation, Master Oh can help you to understand and resolve issues in your personal and professional life by highlighting the subconscious patterns at play and guiding you to think and act in a different way.

Master Oh is also able to pick up the influence of inherited energy patterns within your system and guide you to heal them, in order to create a stronger foundation. Master Oh teaches you how to cultivate a ‘beautiful mind’, which he believes is the essence of life and key to happiness.

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