How energy treatments can help with infertility – Gina’s Story

Recharge your energy to help your infertility and your pregnancy test will be positive

Gina explains how energy treatments with Master Oh helped her become pregnant naturally

I had fallen ill through the stress of caring for my Father who had dementia, I had given so much for so long, I couldn’t give any more, I realised I had to replenish myself somehow. I had read an article in Telegraph Stella Magazine about Master Oh and felt he may be able to help.

"My partner and I had been trying for a baby for 6 months"

Before hearing about Master Oh I had been feeling numb all over. I’d lost my trust in life and felt out of tune and disconnected. My partner and I had been trying for a baby for 6 months without any success. We were told because of my age our only option was IVF. Reluctantly we decided to go with this advice, I was prepared to do IVF with my head but in my heart I really didn’t want to go ahead with it.

After receiving a Treatment from Master Oh I felt a lot lighter and much more awake. I can now easily get up in the morning, I feel sharper and am much more productive. Then, after just four months of seeing Master Oh, I naturally became pregnant without the need for IVF treatment. My partner and I couldn’t believe it.

Energy flow and infertility

After the treatments I started feeling more comfortable around my abdomen area, because I had fewer blockages, the energy flow improved and it felt better having sex. 

Since seeing Master Oh I have found my trust in life again and regained my intuition. I’m less emotional and not affected by other people’s negativity, I have more clarity and I feel a better judge of people.

Qi treatment with Master Oh

The Qi Treatment with Master Oh is deeper than other holistic treatments. it’s much more than just calming or relaxing, it’s another level. Like having a massage for your soul!

When you talk with Master Oh you feel he’s a good listener without any judgement, very patient and a wise soul, you feel peaceful to just be around him, all of which is rare in today’s world.

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